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1. The ↴ Aspect button allows you to swap between landscape and portrait modes
2. Open Image Picker then click images to add to the 'stack' on your canvas.
3. Close Image Picker hides image picker so you can work on your collage.
4. 'Click / drag' image elements to position them. 'Scale' them by clicking & dragging the blue control squares around the selected item(s). 'Click / drag' the protruding control square to rotate the image(s).
5.⤊ Move & ⤋ Move move selected images higher or lower in the stack.
6. The ✕ Delete button removes the selected image(s) from the canvas.
7. Click the 'Background' Colour Swatch to change the canvas colour.
8. △ Upload Image File allows you to submit a collage created on your device in JPG, PNG or GIF format.
9. ▽ Save To Device; downloads your collage to your device.
10. Click ✓ Finish when you have finished creating your collage to choose what happens to it.
Please complete all options and submit before leaving the image composer.
11. ❏ Help will bring you back to this page.
P.S. Pat: Advice to a collage maker: Do not try to “arrange” your objects; let them help you formulate by building from one object to the next. Your're limiting yourself tremendously. Fantastic things can happen. Also, at least in the beginning, do not contemplate where you put an object, just put it there, tho it may well be a mistake. To get “into” a work I find it important to begin by getting into the spirit of the pasting. (The process, technique, etc.) Of course, all this is not true. But, of course, it is true too.
- Joe Brainard to Pat Padgett, early July 1963 (Joe in Boston, Pat Padgett in NYC)
The material does it all. You have a figure and a flower and you add a cityscape and it makes the story. You have control if you want to take it but that’s something I never wanted to do much. I mean if a story came out I’d sort of follow it, but I never want to read or make a story deliberately.
- Joe Brainard to Anne Waldman, Rocky Ledge 3 (November/December 1979).